Alrico was a challenged youth, surviving on the streets as a beggar at main traffic intersections in the City. He was noticed by the Gem Project, who took him under their wing. Despite him begging on the streets, he was a very friendly young man that displayed potential. With the support of the Gem Project, Alrico evolved into a responsible youth that is loved by all his peers. With support from the Gem School, he acquired his ABET Certificate, various other skills and completed the National Youth & Child Care Worker course, which provided him with the tools to become a Youth Care Worker. Alrico obtained his driving licence which was a major milestone for him in accessing work opportunities. He also completed his Youth and Child Care experiential learning programme at the Gem Project. As a result of his commitment to work with children, Alrico was noticed by a local Youth Development Organisation and was approached by them to join their team as a Peer Co Ordinator. Alrico remains actively involved with the Gem Project whereby he works closely with our youth as part of giving back.